My artwork will be on stage this weekend at Futurfestival!

I’m super excited that my artwork “Echo Chamber” will be showcased alongside world class DJs and other artists at Futurfestival in Itlay!

Kappa Futurfestival in Torino, Italy is one of Europe's most anticipated electronic music festivals. Taking place from June 30th to July 2nd, 2023, this year marks the 10th anniversary of the festival and will showcase the worlds best DJ's alongside digital art from some of the worlds best digital artists.

Blackdove, a leader in the digital art space, is powering all of the digital art at the festival. The artwork that will be on display is curated by both Beryl Bilici and Oz, while also including pieces from the following artists: Blake Kathryn, Burt Vera Cruz, Eduard_Ov, Fabio Comparelli, Fesq, Jarvinart, Jonas Pfeiffer, Josh Pierce, Julien Missaire, Klarens, Leo Köhler, Looping Lovers, Luke Penry, Marcel van Luit, Marterium, Melt Immersive, NoCreative, Perry Cooper, Rolzay, Silly Gabe, Stillman, & Yonson.


'Alotta Money' charity sale raises over $140,000!


My digital artwork on display at the Black Hole gallery Berlin